Rules in the box are in french.
Game preparation
• Each player takes a set of 8 cards of the same suit. For 3-player games, set the 4 aside. For games with 2 players, put the 3 and 4 aside.
• Prepare a score sheet.
Game play
Choose a card.
Unveil the chosen cards simultaneously.
The power figures must be discarded after (only one use per game).
Enter the score according to the results:
• Card 1: score 1 point
• Card 2: score 2 points unless more than one card 2
• Card 3: score 3 points unless more than one card 3
• Card 4: score 4 points unless more than one card 4
• Thief Card: Steal a player's points unless more than one Thief. If no points, then no points stolen. Discard the Thief.
• Lady card: Give a player of his choice the same points as another player or take a discarded figure unless more than one Lady. Unveil the recovered figure. If no points, then no point awarded or figure. Discard the Lady.
• Concierge Card: Exchange his total score with a player of his choice unless more than one Concierge. Discard the Concierge.
• Joker card: Cancel all points (even 1) and powers unless more than one Joker. Discard the Joker.
Game over
The game ends as soon as a player gets 10 points (2 players), 15 points (3 players) or 20 points (4 players).
Component | Quantity | Photo |
{{}} | {{item.quantity}} |
Average Rating | 1 reviews |
Publish Date | May 26, 2020 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{}} |
More Info | Unik web site |