Build your forces, maneuver into position and destroy the enemy.
Occupy resource spaces on the map to earn cash.
Use aircraft, vehicles and infantry to attack and defend.
Buy buildings for more abilities and units.
Use superior strategy to destroy your opponent.
Unstoppable forces has three types of units: Air, vehicle and infantry.
Each unit can move a different number of spaces, has different attack range and attacks other units with a different number of dice.
Units have varying hit points and costs.
Units counter each other - a grenader will usually kill a bazooka, a humvee will most likely kill both and a tank will often kill a humvee but not a bazooka.
Each player takes his turn by receiving money, buying and placing available units and buildings, moving then attacking.
Use a heavy lift chopper drop to place units behind enemy lines. Use a teleporter to flood the enemy base with units. Use the orbital momentum weapon to take out a building in one hit. Take the high ground for tactical superiority.
Physics like a real time strategy allow for great combat and games like capture the flag in a turn based board game.
Mobile sam
Huvercraft gunships
Plasma cannons
Attack choppers
Mobile bunkers
Robot infantry
Orbital momentum weapons
Heavy lift choppers
and more!
Ages 10-up
Secondary games allow up to 4 players
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