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US.III An Indigenous Paradigm PnP logo

US.III An Indigenous Paradigm PnP

US.III An Indigenous Paradigm is not a conventional history timeline.




This is the Print and Play version. For the physical version go Here.

The US Paradigm series is a unique timeline card game where each deck within the series offers a distinct perspective from various groups. These perspectives range from the mainstream portrayal found in US High School History Textbooks to the viewpoints of the Working Class People and Indigenous communities. The game provides players with an immersive experience, allowing them to explore history through the lens of different narratives and understand the dynamics shaping the perspectives of these diverse groups. US.IIIActionShot1.png

US.III: An Indigenous Paradigm

is a non-traditional history journey, uncovering hidden stories of Indigenous communities and their struggles and triumphs. It challenges power narratives, exploring resistance, social justice movements, and the pursuit of equity. Emphasizing collective actions, it calls on us to envision a future rooted in justice and empathy. Developed by scholars committed to truth and justice, this digital narrative blends entertainment with education, shedding light on the enduring struggle for equality and human rights in the US. Rooted in Critical Theorist's framework, the project is a rallying call to explore minority representation, documented by young scholars diving into history's unfiltered truths. It also serves as an entry point into game construction, engaging individuals in a unique and interactive exploration of important issues. US.IIIActionShot2.png

Paradigm (In the Context of An Indigenous Paradigm):

In 'An Indigenous Paradigm,' a paradigm signifies interconnected beliefs shaping our understanding of the unique history of Indigenous people, particularly Native Americans in the US. This history, influenced by colonization, has often been overshadowed. The game focuses on uncovering and celebrating the rich historical perspectives of Indigenous communities, aiming to construct a chronology from underrepresented experiences. Each card played is a pivotal piece of this alternative puzzle, shedding light on enduring contributions and adaptations in the face of colonization. By constructing your timeline, you actively contribute to a more inclusive and authentic representation of the shared history of Indigenous people in the US. US.IIIActionShot3.png

Objective and Rules:

The objective of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all their cards by correctly placing them on the paradigm line. Depending on the number of players, distribute the cards as follows: 2 players get 12 cards each, 3 players get 8 cards each, and 4 players get 6 cards. You can add or remove cards to adjust the game.


Shuffle the event cards and deal the appropriate number to each player. Place the remaining deck of cards in the center as a draw pile. Decide who will go first. Take two cards from the draw pile and place them in the center, date side up, to start the paradigm line.


Phase 1. The active player must play by choosing one of their cards and placing it in the paradigm line where they think it fits chronologically, date side down.
Phase 2. Any adversarial player can call “challenge” at any time after the original player has positioned their card. The challenger’s indicate where they believe the active player event card should be on the line by taking one of their own cards and placing it in an unclaimed event slot, date side down.
Phase 3. The active player flips their card to show the date. If they get it right, their card stays in the timeline, and the challenger takes a new card. If the active player is wrong, they discard their card and draw a replacement. The challenger can then check if they were right; if so, they add their card to the line. If both players are wrong, the challenger discards their bid card and draws two new cards.


The winner is crowned "Paradigm Master." As the Paradigm Master you have conquered history's challenges. Following the tradition of colonialism, you now claim this game as your property, with all rights and ownership transferring to you imediately after placing down your last card. Your triumph echoes the spoils of conquest, celebrating your historical prowess. Enjoy your rewards, Paradigm Master!


Exploring Misplaced Cards (An Invitation to Build an Alternative Historical Timeline):

In 'An Indigenous Paradigm,' each card played is an opportunity to understand and highlight marginalized historical perspectives. If a card is misplaced, view it as a valuable opportunity instead of discarding it. Set it aside to explore lesser-known events, building an alternative historical timeline that enriches our collective understanding. This exercise of historical discovery delves into the stories, struggles, and achievements of individuals and communities outside the mainstream narrative, contributing to a more complete depiction of our shared human experience. Embrace the opportunity to explore, honor, and celebrate less-understood events.

Calling all educators!

If you're passionate about transforming history education, we extend a special invitation to you. Immerse your students in our groundbreaking project by downloading the inaugural prototype, ReVisioning History: Equality for Some, the Card Game. This innovative educational tool is available exclusively on Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT), and it's yours for free HERE. Elevate your teaching experience, engage your students in an interactive exploration of history, and be at the forefront of reshaping how we understand the past. Join us in this educational revolution!


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Publish Date January 02, 2024
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • 216 Event Cards written from the Indigenous perspective.
  • We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors.
  • we borrow it from our children. ~NA Proverb

SocietyRed's Games

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  • This game does not come in a box.


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