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Vaibbahk Oracle Expansion: SBF 3 Digital Phenomena logo

Vaibbahk Oracle Expansion: SBF 3 Digital Phenomena

40 New oracle cards for magickal constructed language Vaibbahk




This deck is an expansion to the Vaibbahk Oracle Deck for the magickal constructed langauge vaibbahk ( Vaibbahk is a magickal polysynthetic logosyllabic language that can be spoken through all forms of activity (free:

The cards of this expansion show the glyph, posture, and phonetics of the 40 new rootwords from Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3: Digital Phenomena: Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3: Digital Phenomena by Alley Wurds

As of 8/26/2024 it also contains the new root contained in Laiskohbidz: A Coming Forth by Nait, 124 Kaleidoscope. That book is free here: Laiskohbidz: A Coming Forth by Nait by Alley Wurds

Because of the way vaibbahk works, every utterance in the language is inherently a ritual. When you lay out a three card spread from this deck, not only do you produce a 3 syllable word in the language, you create a three part ritual which can be performed by meditating on the meanings of the each syllable while standing in the appropriate postures and intoning their sounds. This is more fully explore in the previously linked book.

Use this deck with the categories and vowels deck to be able to fully spell vaibbahk words and sentences: Vaibbahk Categories and Vowels

Multiple video rituals depict the use of vaibbahk as well:



Component Quantity Photo
Tarot Tuck Box (90 cards) 1 Tarot Tuck Box (90 cards) component icon
Tarot Deck 1 deck of 40 cards Tarot Deck component icon


Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date June 15, 2024
Edition First
Department Games
More Info Vaibbahk Oracle Expansion: SBF 3 Digital Phenomena web site

Why buy this?

  • Depicts both glyphic and postural orthographies
  • Place cards side by side to produce ritual dances
  • Read the books to learn the full language!


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.

See It In Action

  • action shot 1
  • action shot 2
  • action shot 3

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