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The card game of capture and control




Sand Hat Games is proud to present Vye, a new card game from veteran designers Joe Morrissey, Doug Woolsey, and Vince D'Amelio.

You are the ruler of a fledgling kingdom in the land of Vye. All around you are untamed lands perfect for inclusion in your realm. By constructing buildings and cultivating lands you grow the boundaries of your power. But you are not alone! Other rulers seek to broaden their holdings as well! You must carefully protect your borders even as you race to expand them. Will you control the largest kingdom? Or will you see your power splintered? Plan your moves well - it will take strategy and a little luck to win the battle for Vye!

Vye is a strategy card game played by 2-4 players. The goal of the game is to have the largest connected kingdom when the game ends. You grow your kingdom by placing Land and Building cards on the table, claiming the cards you place and potentially others around them in the process. The game is easy to learn and can be played in about 20 minutes.

This edition includes 53 cards, a full color rule book, and 100 wooden tokens.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date September 27, 2013
Edition First Edition
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Vye web site

Why buy this?

Would I recommend Vye? Without hesitation.

  • Fun, strategic game for the whole family
  • A great filler game that you'll keep coming back to
  • Plays casually or competitively with a wide range of people

Sand Hat Games

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