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Wildflower Meadows

Wildflower Meadows is a 2 – 4 player dice drafting and set collecting game.





Wildflower Meadows is a 2 – 4 player dice drafting and set collecting game.

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Each player starts their round by rolling the number of dice based on the number of players.

Each symbol on the dice allows a player to complete a different action. The different actions are outlined in more detail below.


Using a raincloud action, allows a player to advance a seed along the growth tracker of a plant card in the Seed Row.


The seed symbol can be used to either place an extra seed on a player’s board for use in future turns or move a seed from the player’s board to the first space on a growth tracker of a plant card on the Seed Row.


The sun can be used to cover one of the sun symbols along the bottom of a plant card.

Extra Plot

The Extra Plot symbol can be used to advance one space up the extra plot tracker on the player board.


The Grub symbol can be used to move an opponent's seed down one space on the growth tracker of a plant card on the Seed Row.


Plant Cards The aim of the game is to collect plant cards to gain the most victory points.


To start collecting plant cards, the player needs to move a seed along the growth tracker on a plant card. Once a player has a seed reach the green plant symbol they collect the card and the top card from the plant card deck is moved into the space on the Seed Row.

Flowering Plants Flowering plants allow a player to gain extra victory points if they can get them to flower.

To get a plant to flower, the player needs to start with the plant card in their meadow and not on the Seed Row. The player then needs to roll sun symbols. For each sun symbol a player can collect a seed from their player board and cover up a sun symbol on a plant card. When all sun symbols are covered up the card has “flowered” and is turned over and the seeds are returned to the players board. Flowering plants are worth additional victory points equal to the number of sun symbols on the card.

Spaces in the Meadow As players grow more wildflowers and grasses, they need to make sure their meadow is big enough for any new plants.

The number of plant cards a player can have in a meadow is shown on the tracker below from each player’s board. The left hand column tracks the extra plot symbols collected from the dice and the right hand column shows the corresponding number of cards a player is allowed in their meadow.

The white dotted lines shows when an extra plot results in an additional card and larger meadow. As the tracker shows, the number of extra plot symbols needed to have an additional card in a meadow increases as the meadow gets bigger.

Once a player has collected 12 extra plot symbols and can have a meadow with a total of eight plant cards, their meadow cannot get any bigger.


When a meadow is full. If a player uses a seed action from a dice and collects a plant card but does not have any space in their meadow. They can still collect the card but they have to remove a plant card to make space, any plant cards removed from meadows are placed in a discard pile. They can also choose to take the plant card they have just collected from the Seed Row and place it straight into the discard pile.


Scoring Combinations Players score points for collecting the required number of cards with certain symbols, the numbers of cards needed with each symbol is given on the game board.


Plant Cards The players also collect the points for each plant card in their meadow. The victory points are specific to each plant type and are given in the top right-hand corner of the cards.

End Game Objectives The player finally collects points if they have completed any of the objectives on their end game objectives card.

The points are only collected for one line on the card, so if the player has completed the four victory point objective, they collect 4 points only.



Component Quantity Photo
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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date December 24, 2021
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Dice drafting mechanic
  • Set Collecting Mechanic
  • Grub actions allows players to interact with opponents


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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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