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Word Forge

A word-forging, deck-building game for 2-3




v0.05 Playtest edition

important note: no rules are supplied with this print edition. Rules can be downloaded from HERE (BGG playtest forums post).

The Queen has called for a new royal WordSmith (the last suffering a terrible injury with a sharp W). A tournament has been called and the Queen must have a champion! Who can forge the finest words, earning the most prestige and win the title of Royal WordSmith? In this deck-building, word-forging card game, each Player competes to win by building their deck of letters, forging words and scoring their best letters to earn the Queen's respect. Only the Wordsmith with the most impressive collection of finished works will be deemed the overall champion.

A new twist on the word-deckbuilding genre

Push-your-luck with Welding Keep previously played letters active, and double-down on powers, but each time, increasing the risk of failing to make a valid word.

Thin to win Cards are worth nothing in your deck at the end of the game. The only way to score is to remove cards from your deck - The more useful the card, the more its worth to score. Do you keep it or score it?

Zen balance Three-way economy of buying, drawing and scoring cards to balance. Keep that engine humming!

Quick playing Limited wildcards/dual cards means fast turns and low AP, with the game’s pace driven by the Players.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date April 30, 2018
Edition Playtest Edition V0.5
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Forge Words
  • Weld Letters
  • Craft your Deck

YesChef! Games

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.
  • This game does not come in a box.


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