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Your Favorite Deck

This is your favorite deck of playing cards.




This is your favorite deck of playing cards, which is especially surprising because you don't consider yourself the type of person to even HAVE a favorite deck of playing cards. You like games all right. Tons of them. Just look over at your gaming closet. Battered boxes of bedrock games support a shelf or two of shiny new independent titles. Hard to locate and out of print games rub shoulders with gaming staples.
And what is that over there? Your only copy of a standard playing deck. A frayed box containing 52 tattered cards which came from an Ohio Marriott Hotel you stayed at that one time years ago for a reason you can't recall anymore.
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that (but you and I both know there is, and it's shameful), but the point is that the time has come to round out your gaming shelf. This is your deck. You love it and take pride in it just as you do your complete Avalon Hill bookshelf editions.

You don't just prize this deck because of the alarming and curiously compelling artwork. You don't just covet every card the way a mother cherishes holding her baby for the first time. You love this deck because it's your favorite deck of playing cards.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date November 21, 2012
Edition First
Department Games
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More Info Your Favorite Deck web site

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  • Your favorite deck!
  • All cards included!
  • Loss and Regret!


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