Zom-Boy is a perfect filler game for when you are having game-night with Bob from Accounts and he has taken 30 minutes to re-arrange his pieces on his turn. You can use spare game parts as tokens (or even candy if you have some lying around). Check out the instructions below and download a copy of the print and play!
When you order, you will get 17 copies of the game to share with friends, leave in a game box, pop in your wallet or use as an impromptu decapitation tool when cornered by the living dead (always wear goggles when flicking cards at zombies).
How to play In Portugese:
In Serbian:
Download the image on this page to try it out!
Check it out on Tabletop Simulator: Steam Workshop::Zom-Boy+
Design and art: Nick Ackroyd
Thanks to Spring Spring from Open Game Art for Gun Girl. She was the inspiration for the little character sprite I am using.
Playtesters: Nick, Alika, Elliot, Neave, Shari, Beth, Sam
Component | Quantity | Photo |
{{item.name}} | {{item.quantity}} |
Average Rating | 3 reviews |
Publish Date | January 26, 2023 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{tag.properties.name}} |