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Truck, Flatbed, Green

A green flatbed truck. Has a flat surface that is approximately 16.5mm square for holding small parts as cargo.

Made in the USA

3D Printed Part: As part of manufacturing you will see layer lines in this part. The default picture on this site will show the layer lines magnified more than you will actually see with the naked eye.


Quantity In Stock80000
Weight0.07 oz
2 g
Dimensions 1.06 x 0.79 x 0.55 in
27 x 20 x 14 mm

Bulk Pricing

1-9 $0.5181 ea
10-99 $0.3974 ea
100-999 $0.3179 ea
1000+ $0.2183 ea

Last Price Change: June 10, 2023

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