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Holiday Design Contest


This contest is complete, and the winner has been chosen.

{{entries.objects.length}} Entries

Game Ad Game Name Crafter Point Votes Status
{{}} Winner! Finalist Semi-Finalist

Contest start date: {{wing.format_datetime(}}


Cassie Elle from The Indie Game Report is hosting a design contest for games with a holiday theme. All types of holidays are celebrated near and far. Lesser known holidays are just as encouraged as a theme as more known holidays.

A list of acceptable holidays may be found on Wikipedia.

To qualify, your game must comply with all of the following rules:

  • The theme should be related to any holiday that would be recognized as such.
  • You may use any printables or game pieces.
  • Player count may be anywhere between 1 and 6 players.
  • The total cost of your game must be less than $39.99.
  • Play time should be no more than 60 minutes, once you've learned the game.
  • A rules document must be downloadable from your game's shop page. Basic out of the box rules will suffice, so long as it's clear how the game is played.
  • The game must be publish ready (as it relates to our shop, not as it relates to being finished). This means it has a logo, backdrop, shop ad, action shots, description, and cool factors. It must also have all images proofed, and have packaging.
  • This must be a new game created for this contest. It cannot have existed on TGC prior to the start of the contest.
  • All artwork must be your own, commissioned by you, licensed to you, or in the public domain.
  • All entries must be submitted through TGC's game editor (by clicking on the "Contests" button) no later than Noon UTC (6am US Central) on March 18, 2019.
  • Contestants may submit multiple entries to this contest. Each entry will be judged separately.


You retain all rights to your game and are welcome to sell it in our shop during and after the contest, regardless of the outcome of the contest.

The first round of judging is handled by a community voting process. The final two rounds are handled by the judge. See complete details.


All finalists will be reviewed on The Indie Game Report by Cassie.

The winner shall receive all of the following prizes:

  • Cassie will make a tutorial video for your game.
  • The Indie Game Alliance will provide you with a free 1-year Pro Membership.
  • $100 of shop credit on
  • 100,000 crafter points.
  • Automatic Showcase status for their game on
  • The possibility of judging a future contest.
  • Induction into The Game Crafter Hall of Fame.

Contest start date: {{wing.format_datetime(}}

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