Each receipt is accessed via /api/receipt
Complete details in OrderProperties and OrderItemProperties.
The unique id for this receipt. It will never change.
A label to identify an receipt. This is a holdover in case the cart or wishlist the receipt was created from was named.
A unique integer attached to this receipt. Used by support personnel to identify an receipt in case of trouble.
A User id. The unique id of the user attached to the receipt.
An Address id. The unique id of an address.
A hash of address properties associated with the shipping_address_id
See Receipt Related Objects below for details.
The shipping method being used to ship this order.
The amount added to the receipt to account for the cost of shipping.
The cost of all the items attached to the receipt before taxes, shop credit, and shipping are applied.
The amount of taxes to be paid to purchase this receipt.
The total cost of the receipt including taxes and shipping.
The method used to pay for the receipt.
If the payment method provided a transaction id it will be provided here.
If the payment method provided a status code that will be provided here.
If the payment method provided a status message that will be provided here.
The IP address of the user at the time of receipt creation.
A date when the receipt was created.
A date when the receipt's account was last updated.
A dollar amount of credits applied to this receipt.
A boolean indicating that the entire order was marked refunded.
A dollar amount of shop credit applied to the total
of this receipt.
The total
minus shop_credit_used
minus refunded_amount
If an receipt has been held, or some adjustment needs to be made to an receipt, an admin will make a note of it here.
See "Relationships" in Intro for details.
An array of items that are currently placed in the receipt
"items" : [ { "quantity" : "1", "name" : "Prison Break", "price_each" : "0.8900", "id" : "563C57FE-47F0-11E2-836F-50F9C28E391D" ... } ... ]
Please see Game and Part for more details about what items may contain.
An array of Shipments associated with this receipt.
The user attached to this cart, if any.
See "Related Objects" in Intro for details.
The User attached to this receipt. Will return:
{ "shop_credit" : "0.00", "username" : "andy", "id" : "xxx", ... }
The Address attached to the receipt that the receipt should be shipped to. Will return:
{ "id" : "xxx", "name" : "Andy Dufresne", "company" : "Shawshank Prison", "address1" : "123 Prison Lane", "address2" : "Shawshank Prison Library", "city" : "Portland", "state" : "Maine", "postal_code" : "04101", "country" : "US", "phone_number" : "207-874-8300" }
Returns a summary of Shipments associated with this receipt in the receipts data set rather than as a separate request in the Relationships above.
The methods used to fetch and manipulate receipts.
GET /api/receipt/xxx
Required. The unique session id provided by a Session method.
{ "id" : "xxx", "order_number" : "4301", ... }
POST /api/receipt/xxx/cancel
Cancels the receipt and generates a refund to store credit. You must provide a reason for the cancellation.
Required. The unique session id provided by a Session method.
Required. The reason this order is being cancelled. For example, "I want to make some changes to the order.", "I no longer want these items.", "The estimated ship date is too long."
{ "success" : 1, }