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Legends of Idunia

A cooperative fantasy board game




It is a clear, starry night. You find yourselves at sea, on board the vessel ‘Talisman’, bound for the ports of Idunia.You return from a diplomatic mission to one of the allies of king Valdemar, sultan Mehmet the Magnificent.The mission went quite well, and though the courts of the sultan were of astounding beauty, his royal gardens places of endless delights, you long to see the shores of Idunia again, and hasten home across the waves.
But Fate, it seems, has decreed otherwise. One night, while in your cabins, you are assaulted by several hooded men. They bind your wrists and lower you into a lifeboat, already bobbing upon the waves. The ship raises sails and leaves you alone at sea. Whether it was your royal gifts the captain envied, or if there was some darker motive, you might never know.
Luckily, in the rays of the morning sun, you spot the outline of an island in the distance.

Legends of Idunia is a fantasy board game in which 1 to 3 players must work together to escape the great desert where they have been abandoned.
One of the aims of the game is to introduce especially younger players to Arabian mythology, and to create an atmosphere of storytelling and wonder.

Contents of the Game:

• 1 Quad-Fold Game Map
• 3 Hero cards
• 1 Treasure & Water card
• 1 Enemy Lifepoints card
• 2 Quest cards
• 26 Treasure cards
• 5 Starting Equipment cards
• 3 Skill cards
• 1 Storybook (40 pages)
• 1 Rulebook (12 pages)
• 1 Random Encounter table
• 1 D4, D6, D8 and D20 die
• 15 Blue Disks
• 1 Blue Pawn

If you wish to know more about the world of Legends of Idunia, please visit our website.

Note: All eligible game components have UV Coating and Linen Texture.


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Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date January 04, 2016
Edition 2.0
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Legends of Idunia web site

Why buy this?

There are many rememberable moments to be had. Close calls, spectacular hits, and mysteries to solve.

  • A fantasy game for heroes from 8 to 99 years
  • Random treasure, monsters and encounters
  • A 40 page storybook inspired by the tales of 1001 Nights


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.


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